You're Not Here & You're Not There

You're Not Here & You're Not There

Demon Subject / Book Design, Photography & Short Film

This zine explores how two contrasting ideas that are entirely unrelated can create something unique from the tension of the two colliding. The zine consists of articles on both topics, imagery from Maya Deren and the Moors, along with personal explorations of trance and culture.

I incorporated photography and film that I art directed, where I explore Maya Deren’s art, philosophy, and the exploration of trance and dance.

Short Film

Short film shot and directed by me. Footage from Maya Deren’s contemporary film collaged with self-directed film, imitating the way Maya Deren used herself in her work and self-directed films.


Throughout the project, weekly changes were made and the flow of the book was refined to match the photography and film clips from Maya Deren as well as the incorporation of the photography I created myself.

Typography, color, and paper selections were a vital part of the process.